Crocus Carpet

The Crocus carpet is coming along very nicely in our local churchyard with plenty of Snowdrops out and the Daffs just starting.  It was a lovely uplifting sight to see after a sad morning spent with friend J.  Her dear Husband has come home from hospital for the last time to receive palliative care from J and various kind Nurses, Carers and friends.  I said a fond goodbye to R and held J close - such a very sad time. 

Beautiful weather today so once home I  immersed myself doing chores in my own garden and later on got to grips with lots of dull household chores too;  but I had the thought that at least I was able to do them.

Uncanny how our canine families tune into their humans' sadness and moods;  'Dotty' in Extra is one of J & R's dogs who with 'Tess' seemed to be very in tune with the situation. 

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