In memory

My dad passed away last night at 9.40pm: Thomas Robertson: 06/03/1933 - 17/02/2017

Is that you?
The falling star in the night
So pure, so bright.

Is that you?
The breeze gently blowing through my hair
Telling me that you are still there.

Is that you?
The golden ball rising in the east
Bringing hope that a new day, the sorrow will ease.

Is that you?
Setting in the West
Bringing a night of peace and rest.

Is That You?
Who dries my tears
As I gaze towards my future fears.

Is that you?
That makes me smile at life's irony
That other people often cannot see.

Is that you?
That gives me strength to carry on
Even though you are gone.

Is that you?
Yes. It is you. Your are with me always.

Blip: Rouken Glen waterfall today

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