
By JoJoGlister

Afternoon Tea

A busy day today.

Started with a physio appt to check on my achillies. It's a strain, but in the mid level achillies not the base, so easier to heal apparently. I've been restricted to 'easy milage' for the next two weeks. As long as the discomfort stays between 1-4 on a scale of 1-10 then it's ok to train. Hurrah.

Then off up to London I went. I was being treated to afternoon tea by two of my girl friends, a birthday treat from January but this was the first weekend we could all do.

I was early for our meet, so I took advantage and I went to a wonderful shoe shop in Carnaby Street. It's a favourite of my sisters but I've never ventured in before. Two purchases later (see extras) and off I went, like the cat who got the cream!

Location for afternoon tea was The Charlotte Street Hotel. The girls had thoughtfully pre ordered mine as gluten free. Although it's getting easier to eat out these days, something like Afternoon Tea is really hard to find and this was a delightful setting and absolutely delicious. Definately just as good! Champagne was also on the agenda, naturally.

All in all, a really lovely day.

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