Elliott's Birthday Party

Earlier this week, our grandson Elliott turned three, and today we drove to his house to celebrate his birthday with him, his mom and dad, his uncles and aunts, all four grandparents, and his cousin Nora!

Here's a collage, because I just couldn't decide on one photograph.  Upper left shows "Poppy"  (a.k.a. Mr. W) reading a story to the cousins, in the upper right you can see the Birthday Boy about to blow out the candle on his dinosaur cake, in the lower left is a very pleased boy with his new doctor's outfit and medical equipment, and the lower right depicts Nora and Elliott at the end of the day, worn out, full of sugar, and seconds before meltdown!

PS:  I forgot to mention that Tom used his Masters degree in Fine Arts to full advantage, and personally decorated the cake!

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