Zoom Zoom

By steveg316

Cosy Feet

Well today has been totally horrible for us. I went for a routine appointment to get my dressing changed but boy I didn't expect the painful time I was to endure. Remember the infection I got a week or so ago well it seems that it was the nurses fault as she mucked up the previous change. You see she overtightened it and the strings cut into my skin, hence the infection.

They did again today but before they put the new one on they had to pull out the string from under my skin which I can tell you was excruciating. I then had to go to the hospital for them to check it out as all red and sore. Well the nurse at the hospital changed it again in a mere fraction of the time and a hellova less pain.

Anyway I hadn't gotten a blip today so just got my new cycling waterproof overshoes which should keep my feet warm and dry for when I get back on the bike.

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