
By Lazio_Lad

Nearly, Once in a Blue Moon

Good day at work, things seem to be falling into place.
Although still another week of organisation before we can settle down and get on with things.
Socialising tomorrow night and really clear night tonight.
So decided to go down to Nigg Bay to capture the moon.
Clambering over rocks in the dark and doing 30 second exposures.....
Must be insane.
But it is only once in a blue moon.
And I'm going to miss it tomorrow.

August 2012 has two full moons.
That's somewhat unusual.
Most months only have one.
But in cycles of 19 years, or 228 calendar months, seven to eight calendar months will always have two full moons.
In other words, there's a month with two full moons every two to three years.
When it happens, the second one is popularly called a Blue Moon.
The Blue Moon for 2012 will fall on August 31 at 13:58 UTC (8:58 a.m. CDT)

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