With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Two pirates

A surprise for Mrs Pepperpot, we drove to the Port and met her partner in sea crime, Lou plus a whole Bonnie Boatful of lovely people. We had ordered the best of weather and the right kind of gentle sea; the picnic was shared and the best ever birthday cake appeared from below decks! Fantastic fun and a of course these two got up to assorts of trouble. Lou was up in the crow's nest in a flash!

Thank you so very much to everyone, particularly Skipper Pete and Too, for just one of the most memorable birthdays ever.

In the evening, we just had time to catch our breath before Can Pintxos put on a splendid meal and again we surprised Mrs P with Anna, Clara and the Spanish gang, plus the Ks and A. 

Needless to say we were exhausted after all that and slept like salty sea logs, if there are such things. 

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