Tiger Cub

"Around 2 years old, a cub finds and defends it's own territory"

This morning Cyclops and CyclopsJnr went to the zoo and met up with Peach to go and look at some animals.

We saw Chimpanzees, a Panda, Zebras, Penguins and a Rhino.  We saw a Pygmy Hippo playing with a barrel, and two Lions (mating) and of course Tigers.

Just as we approached the Tiger enclosure, Peach said "I've never met anyone who's seen a tiger on the walkway over the tunnel", so of course a tiger walked over the tunnel as soon as we arrived!  We got a great view.

Later we compared CyclopsJnr to a tiger cub.  We fear he is underachieving by tiger standards - he shows no sign of moving out and finding his own territory yet...

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