
By RetiredDBA

Tilberthwaite and Little Langdale

The weather was a bit discouraging for walk - low cloud and mist. Nevertheless we drove over to Tilberthwaite and parked down by Yewdale Beck. Walked up Tilberthwaite Gill and up to the start of Wetherlam Edge before heading down Birk Fell to Greenburn Beck. The descent of Birk Fell was slow and painful; absolutely no path evident even though we were bang on the route of a public footpath. It was very steep and littered with rocks and scree that possessed the same characteristics as a wet bar of soap. Greenburn beck is lovely and there was plenty of water so the cascades were particularly impressive. We then headed into Little Langdale and grabbed a quick snap of my favourite bridge - Slater's Bridge, before continuing our circuit back into Tilberthwaite. After our exertions we claimed a well-earned drink at the Black Bull in Coniston.

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