Baby mongoose orphan

This wee one was found abandoned - his eyes hadn't opened - so he now thinks he is a human for when his eyes opened he was being fed with milk via a piece of cotton wool by Shiva.  He snuggles up when they are alone together but is very nervous otherwise.  Had a trip into the backsides of Puri today in Shiva's tuktuk - lots of rice spread to dry in the roads in front of houses and lots of birds to see in the ponds alongside endless rice paddies. Had a coffee sitting under a cashew tree - intoxicating perfume from the flowers and I was almost overcome by it and by the contents of a pipe being passed around the 3 men with me!  Possibly not many blips possible in the next 8 days for I am going into the tribal areas - the troubles have subsided.  I have reposted the Picasa link for Calcutta on 16th and there are links now on the back blipped 17th & 18th and also on 19th and today's outing

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