My Best Efforts - Year 3


My 100th Blip!!!............

........................Am chuffed to bits to have got here! I didn't know if I would or could. I've really enjoyed the last hundred days and it's been super to have "met" so many other friendly Blippers. Also great to have been on the Spotlight Page a few times - again thanks to all the comments, stars and hearts you have given to my efforts.

So - onwards and upwards - next goal, 200! Will have to try extra hard to submit pix as good as some of the wonderful ones I have seen in other peoples Journals.

Todays blip is a kaleidoscope of a Cranesbill. The lettering in the centre was added with the technical help of my Daughter - Anni - aka "Biker Bear". Grateful thanks to her.
It was she who enrolled me with Blipfoto in the first place and has given me hours of her time when I have become lost along the way, particularly with the workings of my laptop! (which has been quite often)

Thanks love! :-)))xx

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