tempus fugit

By ceridwen

Small but perfectly formed

An eventual turn-out of 30 odd people of all ages and a half a dozen dogs wasn't bad for the contribution of Britain's smallest city (popn. 1600)  to the nationwide day of protest against the American president's invitation for a state visit. (Admittedly we were massively out-numbered by the local jackdaws who roost in the centre of St David's.)

Social media commentators  gleefully referred to us as imbeciles, retards, wankers, sheep and pathetic under-occupied lefties when a photograph of our small demonstration later appeared in the press. The individuals offering these opinions seemed unaware that there was a simultaneous (packed) parliamentary debate upon the matter and that many thousands across the whole country had come out onto the streets this evening to demonstrate against Trump's visit. 

More pics of the local imbeciles...

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