
By jac1954

It is Tiny Really ~~~~

This is Merlins paw he is only 13 and a half weeks old so he must qualify for Tiny Tuesday, I love the hairiness of his feet.
I was listening to BBC radio 2, and they were talking about what dogs were bred for and the labrador retriever was used for bringing in fishing nets  in the eighteen hundreds
I thought they were gun dogs,
but then I am a cat lady so what would I know eh!,
extras of the beach at Walton on the Naze,Essex where I live, the high tides we have been having have thrown the sand up onto the beach huts walkway,sometime in March the council have JCBs on the beach putting the sand back where it should be,and the drop from the walk way will be 6ft or more,amazes me where it all comes from and goes to.
 just a fact for you
When I used to only visit the beach on holidays I thought it must always look the same everyday but it doesn't.

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