Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

White butterfly

Identification - I think it is a great southern white, Ascia monuste, but there are so many different images that I cannot be certain.

As I was processing this image, the hammering sound seemed rather close, kind of echoing around my half empty house, so I went to investigate. The owner had a guy removing the shelves from downstairs. He had originally told me that he was leaving them, but then his wife changed her mind and wanted the glass.

After much ranting and raving and interpreters not really conveying my true sentiments, I am allowing him to have half the shelves, as long as he repairs the damage and paints the filled holes. I only need half the shelves anyway. The audacity to come into the house without any announcement, some landlords just don't understand the rules or maybe it is different here in Indonesia.

As for the blip, I have tried to photograph this butterfly a few times, but always over exposed. Today I went a full stop under and it seems to have worked, I still have vein detail on the wings. Quite a skittish butterfly, difficult to get close to. I only managed about four feet distance today, but plenty of pixels left to work with.

I thought I was going to have to back blip, but finally got the computer up at 4:30pm. Still more moving to do, haven't tackled the bed yet, but Benny recons we can do it without too many problems.

Good response to yesterday's butterfly blip, I wasn't expecting that. Thank you.


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