By FoF

Maritime History

Leith is full of relics from its maritime history.  This is a relic of the whaling industry.  Between 1616 and 1842, Leith whalers sailed in Arctic waters around Greenland.  There was a blubber boiling house nearby and its said that on 'boiling days' there was a strong pungent oily smell in the air, known locally as 'Wood's scent bottle' after the name of the company who owned it.  In the early 20th century Christian Salveson & Son sent a fleet from Leith to the Antarctic and established a whaling station in South Georgia which was named 'Leith Harbour'.  By 1911 it was the biggest whaling fleet in the world.  Until whaling ceased in 1963, it was a valuable source of employment for Leithers.
Another possibility for this week's challenge HISTORY.

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