
By hannahstar

Kale & Coconut Smoothie

Came home from work today feeling very tired and down and just sad. Not completely sure why, yes work is stressful but it doesn't normally make me feel quite that sad! It just felt like I was drowning under something but I didn't know what it was!

Met up with the girls at 153 this evening. I didn't feel like going but they persuaded me to come. We made BLTs, chatted, encouraged each other and they prayed for me. Ended up having a really lovely time.
When I came home Anna rang me from Brighton which was really nice, just to chat and catch up and encourage each other.

I'm so so grateful for these friends who are always there to encourage me, who remind me that there's always a reason to have hope because we have a God who is victorious and has overcome the world. They speak truth into my life and remind me that the enemy who tries to shove his lies into our minds has been defeated and can no longer touch us. They support me, they stand with me, they always make me smile. They are truly a blessing and I couldn't do without them!

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