
By PhilattheBeach

We Tried

This morning I was out on our back screen porch when I saw something moving at the base of one of the large pine trees out there.
I went over to investigate and a large turkey vulture started to quickly walk away. I knew this wasn't right, the bird should fly away, if it doesn't it's because it can't.

Well this bird certainly could not fly, I saw it dragging it's left wing as it walked. The vulture was hurt and hurt badly.

With the help of a friend and neighbor who brought over a blanket and then a box, we were able to safely secure the bird until help could arrive.
We have a friend that works at a major raptor rescue center who was called and she was on her way.

We described the injury we saw which was an open fracture of the wing with some bloody areas. That did not sound good.

Our friend arrived and took possession and care of the vulture.
She called later to tell us it was quickly euthanized as it's injuries were beyond repair.
We expected this outcome but took some comfort in knowing the bird's suffering was over, especially since it likely would have taken a couple of days to die no doubt in agony the entire time.

Well at least in it's final hours on this earth it received care, compassion and respect. The best we can do I suppose.

I hope in the end we at least helped, we tried.

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