Oldgroaners Phone&Compact

By Oldgroaner

They have invented the wheel you know!

When I go for my morning ride round the park I really must remember to go a little later than usual, as on a Saturday  hundreds of unfit Humans and a couple of fit dogs take part in  a 5 km  fun run
(Though I suspect only the dogs, having been perfectly adapted by a kindly Mother Nature actually enjoy the experience.)
Here are the details of this self inflicted torment East Park Parkrun
I usually sit quietly on my Ebike and ponder why evolution didn't equip Humans with wheels, when so many seem to have the desire to compete with much better adapted animals.
There were more than 200 taking part, they all have Barcodes, perhaps on the principle some of them may get lost and end up in Foreign parts?
I suspect some of them will become ambitious enough to attempt to FLY unaided next ;-)

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