Tehdassaari factory island

Pyrintö A-girls had a match in Nokia against BC Nokia. We had 1,5 h to spend between driving Emma to the sports hall and before the game started. We had a short walk at the Tehdassaari factory island, which is an integral part of industrial tradition in Nokia, as it is the birthplace of Nokia Corporation. Today's picture is from there.

Nokia's team won by 4 points - before the fourth period it looked that Pyrintö will be the winner but the last part of the game was poor for them and BC Nokia took the lead 3 minutes before the game ended. 
Nokia BC - Pyrintö 54-50

In the evening hubby prepared us a gourmet dinner: plaice, risotto and horse beans. I'm very happy to have a husband whois such a great cook :)

-2°C, cloudy

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