Winging It

The turkey vultures love tLos Alamos Road behind our house. There were a number of them perched on the tops of fenceposts and even a telephone pole, but it was just about time I took a picture of this gnarly oak tree just as it is budding. The bonus was the vulture in the top of the tree catching every last ray as he slowly revolved with his wings outstretched....

We went to visit our friend Skip today. His wife, Judy, died just before Thanksgiving and just after he was diagnosed with dementia. He has moved to a care home near his daughter, but she brought him back to the family home to begin the process of clearing the house before selling it. We stayed quite awhile, and I'm glad we did, because the longer we were there, the more he seemed able to get his bearings. 

Skip (ElectricMan...he worked for Pacific Gas and Electric Company) and OilMan went to high school together. They must be about the last generation of men to work from college graduation to retirement for the same company. When Skip retired about 15  years ago, he initiated an annual series of reunions of what he liked to call R Gang...all the old high school buddies and their wives. We met in a lot of different places, but my favorites were always the ones in Skip and Judy's backyard.

I have written many times before about "The Barn" which was basically Skip's man cave. Oddly enough, we didn't go in there today. Skip said it was still decorated for Christmas...I know he is struggling with the idea of leaving this home of so many happy memories, but I think the barn will be the hardest because it represents his independence and all the things he can't do anymore. You can see a picture of it here

I told him he is beginning the next phase in the journey of life and he talked about how touched and grateful he is for the closeness and support of his daughter and two sons. Then we talked about our backpacking exploits of yore...

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