Selfies from the Brink

By Markus_Hediger

My Father's Archives #17

Originally, my parents' intention had been to work in Angola. After seminary and shortly before being sent to a language school in Portugal, my Dad bought his first camera. While he was in Portugal, things changed. 
Recently on the phone, he told me: 
"When, in 1961, war broke out in Angola and our organization decided to abort their plans of sending me and your mother to Africa, it was a shock for me. I loved  that continent and it took me a while to get used to the idea of being sent to Latin America instead. I didn't know much about Brazil. But now I had my camera, and I knew it would help me to learn to love this new country and its people as much as I loved Africa. Photography has always been essential to my work and life as a missionary. It has helped me to find and keep my focus on the things that really mattered."

I believe this picture shows what he meant by that.
(Go large.)

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