River of Flowers

By doffy

Friday: Temple at Kew Gardens

Up at 5am to catch the 7 o'clock train to London.
Met at the station by The Sailor and Jo, went on the underground and separated: boys off to the Excel to a motorbike show and ladies off west to Kew Gardens, after tea & biscuits of course! Jo drove us to Kew Gardens and we went straight to the Marianne North Gallery,
http://www.kew.org/visit-kew-gardens/explore/attractions/marianne-north-gallery - I've been wanting to see this exhibition since watching the documentary on the BBC. I was not disappointed, overwhelmed really - so much colour from the paintings and the gallery itself, would highly recommend everyone sees it!
We also had a wander into the Flora Japonica
http://www.kew.org/visit-kew-gardens/whats-on/flora-japonica-exhibition - which was also mind blowing!
Dinner was at The Kings Head Teddington http://kingsheadteddington.com - a short walk from our hotel, where we dined like Kings for a reasonable price!!

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