Batch 1996 aka Pioneers

Happiness is the word that defined my day today.

I was in the middle of a meeting when 4 rowdy girls were waving their hands crazily outside the meeting room. My eyes widened at the sight of familiar faces (Ching, Nice, Tatta and Bigol). I quickly excused myself from the meeting and hugged them tightly while jumping up and down like a crazy person. We visited the Sports Complex area, Library, Administration Bldg and Oblation Plaza before heading to Maa to visit Edge.

As we were about to arrive at Edge's place, she messaged us that she is at a subdivision in Mintal (right back from where we came from). So we had to drive back to Mintal from Diversion Road. We arrived 45minutes later carrying a cake with us since it was Edge's niece 's birthday (yes, we crashed a children's party) We stayed until late laughing, making fun of ourselves and playing with the kids. Ching drove me home at around 1130 pm.

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