
By KarmaTengye

Too choppy to know

The black Shark spotter flag at Muizenberg warns that the sea conditions are too choppy to know if there is a great white shark about, so enter at own risk.  That flag describes my week ... tired, grumpy, sore knee, crazy emotions and lots of disturbing images.
On Friday I came across a group of birds (Hadida Ibis) which had clearly been driven into by a speeding vehicle. Such carnage.  The two survivors stood dazed in the middle of the road. The one just stood when I approached and lifted it into a box, blood oozing from it's eye, the other made an attempt to fly off, but was stopped by broken leg and wing. I moved the dead off the road and took the injured birds to the SPCA. I'm not sure they can help, but somehow needed to make amends for damage done by other humans.  It's weird, I've spent most of my working life as an ICU nurse; patching up and easing pain of the severely injured and dying. Each patient remains with me; is part of the person I am today. None have left me feeling as devastated or helpless as seeing those birds in the road.
Last night as I returned home in the dark, after taking C back to varsity, I drove passed two bodies, the mutilated remains of humans crossing the highway; one minute vital and boldly running across 3 lanes of traffic. 
We will all die. The problem is we all think we have time, yet death can take us at any minute. Tell people you love them, apologise for offence you have caused, forgive those you believe have harmed you.  May you all be happy and free from suffering.  Happy Losar.

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