Pictures by Ahti's dad

By hevosmies

Chocolate herring

Second day at work after 9 sweet days of holiday:( Luckily after tomorrow I have 6 more days off. And now that I'm back at Southern Finland the snow's almost gone. I try to get some more snow/ice shots taken before even the rest melts away.

I got these chocolate herrings as a part of my cristmas present from my aunt. The one in the front's already been eaten, just skin remains:) There wasn't that much work to be done so I had lots of time to take about 60 shots of these fish on my desk.

I need to get a new small tripod. The one I'm using with my compact camera is actually for video camera, so it can't be used when taking vertical shots! That's why quite many of those 60 pics were blurred and I deleted them straight away.

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