Circle of the Seasons

By GCleare

Gold Medal Winner

My second novel, SECRETS WE KEEP, has been entered in a competition at a website called, owned by Harper Collins Publishers. I first posted it there last October, right before Bruce went into the hospital. While we were going through all that, one of the bright spots in every day was going online to see that it had floated up a little higher in the ranks.

Tonight at 12 AM (Greenwich time) I won by placing in the top 5 for this month.

In Authonomy-speak, this is called making the Editor's Desk. You get a little gold medal thingy next to your book. See it in the pic?

You also win a review of at least 10,000 words of your manuscript from the editors at HC, who presumably consider it for publishing. Plus the bragging rights, which will come in handy.

Onwards and upwards! Now I need to get on to the next step and get busy querying agents. And I'm working on the next book, which is a romance with recipes called I LOVE CHOCOLATE. Doesn't that sound tasty?

Meanwhile I've been uploading a bunch of my photo images at a stock photography website. No sense in letting good pictures molder on my hard drive.

My feeling about art is:


Working on the 2013 calendar as well. I'm trying to choose my favorite images for each month, and it is not easy! Any suggestions, my friends?


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