Along Came Sylvie

By victoriapg

The Breastfeeding Dance

The rain was lashing down sideways as we were just about to leave the house this morning. 'Is it really worth going out in this?' mummy thought. But once Eli's football class was over we were dropping him off at granny Anne's for the night and mummy and daddy were off out for the afternoon/night with friends.

It goes without saying that I was going out with them too. Daddy calls me mummy's little cling on. But for now we are the one person. It won't last forever and we're trying to embrace it and fit in with modern lifestyle as much as we can. We're lucky to have supportive and understanding people around us who don't judge, especially when you turn up to the pub with a pram!

A little something by mummy:

The Breastfeeding Dance

Maybe the deception is in the name,
But 'feeding' is only part of the game.
This wonderful relationship builds up trust,
As well as satisfying hunger and quenching thirst.
When you're feeding more often and I don't know why,
I need to remember that you're topping up my supply.
Maybe it's a new milestone or time to grow taller,
Feed away little one, it's making my waist grow smaller.
Maybe you're needing comfort or help to get to sleep,
Suckle away on me, it's better than counting sheep.
Maybe you've been exposed to germs, colds and flu,
Let me know what they are and my milk will sort that too.

So to this I commit and I'll try not to whine,
For our lives and our bodies are now intertwined.
I know this means we can rarely be apart,
But this special journey I'll hold close to my heart.
A night off I'd love given half the chance,
But for now we'll continue our breastfeeding dance.

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