Tiny Tuesday - Bursting Forth

I think I finally caught up on everyone's journals this morning - amazing how four days out of a normal routine plays havoc with the blip world!!

A trip to the supermarket for a few bits to tide us over this week (fresh fruit and veg mostly)!

After that, a walk out with Finlay - he was nattering at me yesterday and we did go out for a little walk, but today was a proper walk- 75 minutes - although he seemed to be flagging towards the end. After four days away he is probably out of condition! He is currently collapsed on his bed (well half on, half off) in a big patch of sunlight - snoring loudly.

I did see some (hawthorn) leaves out the other day - on another route - but today all I could find was some budding leaves. They made a perfect subject for Tiny Tuesday, although I am not sure what they are. I opened up the aperture wide which has given me the nice bokeh with the sunlight shining through the branches.

Thanks to wrperry for this hosting Tiny Tuesday once again

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