iPod Curve

My eldest daughter has just become the proud owner of a new style of iPod, not available in any shops nor online. To acquire your own version of the iPod Curve, follow the instructions given below. Please note that there is no guarantee that your iPod will still play music after taking these steps but at least you will have a customised and distinctive piece of kit!
1. Open car door.
2. Swing yourself and your bag into the car seat, leaving the bag slightly open so that the iPod can fall out.
3. Pull the car door shut, timing the action perfectly so that the iPod falls out of the bag and is trapped in the car door as you slam it shut.
4. Open car door and extricate your newly created iPod Curve.
5. Test iPod for signs of life. (NB The secret here is to have low expectations.)
6. Give your i-Pod a new name and reassure it that you still love it despite the fact that all the indications are that its music playing days are now over!

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