So today is my 3rd anniversary of photo-blogging on a daily basis. I never thought I'd have made it this far. Today started with a meeting in a pub, moved on to a school and finished in a church. And what amazing people I've met. Amanda, who, for year on year, has delivered high-quality children's ministry. A tour of a great school, with the best school roast dinner ever (thank you, children and staff of Ardleigh School). Meeting with Revd Antony, who has high ambitions in his new parishes, and who will surely reach them, a great guy doing great things. And then on to Leigh on Sea meeting Teresa, uber-organised, passionate and ambitious children's & families worker who is also doing great things. Not often you meet someone who has a grasp for the ambitious use of space and place in ministry, she's fantastic.

But for my photo on this landmark day I had to post a probable "illegal" photo. This is my eldest daughter, Polly, who made an appearance on BBC1 last night - I caught up with it today. So whilst we are encouraged from refraining from posting TV shots, this is my daughter, and I'm delighted to post this on my 3rd anniversary (younger daughter will make an appearance in due course).

And that's 3 years. Now thinking of what next?

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