Tudor Rose

By TudorRose

Look horses...... NOT! Self portrait no2

So at the rear of our property we have a field which at the moment is home to a beautiful chestnut mare and her two foals. As the weather was fine I thought i'd take some photographs of them close up. Chopped up an apple and armed with my camera off I went... The horse had other ideas and moved to a part of the field which is not accessible to me! No amount of calling, waving the bag of apples, jumping up and down worked. Its there loss I thought, I've got apples and you have not *pulls out tongue, blows raspberry at horses*... Me childish, never!

So when I arrived home I sat at my computer and looked into it blipless... I saw my reflection and though...WHY NOT. After approx 20 photographs I remembered why not! What I see and what the camera see's are two completely different things, I am so not photogenic. Not fishing for any compliments as I did eventually manage to get a half decent shot but what a palaver. I know my eyes are fading but surely not that much...

Must remember the golden rule of photography, stay on the right side, the side taking the photograph. Anyhow after lots of encouragement from D telling me I definitely don't look like the bad photographs I started to feel a little better and could put down the paper bag I was currently hyperventilating into. Its a good job D loves me ha ha.

So this image may change, the horses may feel bad about hiding and come out to play. I live in hope. Until the you have my ugly mug to keep you company.

I hope you are all enjoying the good weather we have had today.

Word for today:
Discombobulated - to confuse or disconcert; upset; frustrate

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