
By Nigel

Xmas Cookery

Spent my first ever xmas day in a pub! Well not all of it but a few hours in the afternoon, and what a hoot it was. Sadly this meant that all my dinner plans went slightly awry.

Xmas presents include Watchmen comic, which I've somehow managed to never read, Hellboy 1&2 4 disc boxed set, Metallica's Death Magnetic CD, 10 Cohiba minis (despite not smoking), Amazon vouchers, membership of the Edinburgh Photographic Society, Boss Soul aftershave and spray and other sundry items.

After the pub and dinner it was a marathon Rock Band 2 session till the small hours.

We allowed the cat out for the first time and despite having a 10ft wall around the drying area he disappeared rather quickly, but came back safe and sound within a couple of hours.

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