Dutch Skies

By RonBuist


Well, it took me a long time, considering I started blipping back in 2009, but here I am: 1095 blips! I did a full year's worth of blipping in 2010. In that year, I spent many hours on this site and was very much a part of the community. After deciding to take a step back in 2011, I started blipping infrequently and during the Polaroid phase of Blipfoto I nearly stopped blipping altogether.

When Ton, Herman and I were planning last year's landscape photography trip to the Lake District, we talked about Blipfoto and how Ton had started the routine of blipping daily. After that, I gave it some thought and then decided to go for it again. On July 23th 2016, I was back! The amount of time I'm spending on Blipfoto has not grown that much: I can safely say the social aspect is not that big a part of my current Blipfoto experience. I do however take the occasional peak at some of the journals I have been following for years and also some newer ones. It's still great fun and I will probably be around for a while! For today's photo I had originally planned to go out for what I like doing most: landscape photography. The weather had other plans so I fell back to plan B and an old favourite: light painting. I hope you like it...

A big thanks to everyone who drops by on my journal, leaves comments or graces my images with stars and/or hearts. Huge thanks to the great bunch of blippers now at the helm, for all the time they have spent saving the site and now operating it.

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