Get with the beat Bertie

Brandon and Russ from Meridian Audio came over today to take away the loan equipment we've had for the last year.

It has been great having a corner of the sitting room where we just listen to music. The immediacy of Spotify, ipods, streaming has meant that over the years music seems to have become easier, and whilst I've always had music on I'm not sure I've really been listening.
I've always said I'm no audiophile, playing in bands and noisy cars has made my ears a bit dull and I'd always considered it a bit of a con.

Until the Meridian kit arrived and I made an effort to listen properly.

Hearing songs I thought I knew well was a real eye (ear) opener, hard to describe it, but more clarify and separation of the instruments, you can hear more things going on. Chords that I never knew existed suddenly pop out.

There is something very satisfying listening to a whole album as the artist intended, they slaved over the order of those songs, who am I to hop and skip amongst them ?

Anyway it went back today and so I was very sad. Until they installed the next set of equipment which is even better, loud is not the word ;)

I hope you have an excellent weekend.

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