
By SilverImages


"Humans live through their myths and only endure their realities."
Robert Anton Wilson

Forecast good for the day so an 8.15am start with J at Blaen Bran, above Cwmbran.  For a change I decide on scrambling up the scree-like slopes to explore the the old quarry workings, and then work our way on around the hillside, following sheep trails it seems as they are barely discernible from the beech leaves that have collected on them.  The sun slowly burns off the morning cloud but there's still a bit of a chill to the breeze.

Back home by 10am and K1 and E have decided on a trip to Kilpeck Church, about an hour by car.  It's a familiar route, I was here last summer, and they head in to explore the church and nearby castle while I settle for a meditation in the car.  I'm just about resurfacing when they come back with the next destination, Hay-on-Wye.  Always a popular choice with me, usually an opportunity to browse the book shops [but not today].  Brief excitement for me as we head across country through Peterchurch and a Red Kite swoops low across our line of travel.

K1 decides on a small tea-shop in Hay for lunch and we head there.  It's quiet in there, only a couple at a nearby table.  Then I realise it's not just "a couple", it's K and L - haven't seen them for a couple of years.  They join the three of us and we're soon immersed in Family History discussions - Dad lived in this part of the world when he was a youngster.  Another hour soon disappears then it's off to Glasbury and up into the wilds of Ffynnon Gynydd, where Dad went to school and an opportunity to photograph Ffynnon Cynidr, the well at the edge of the village.  A couple of other stops at "landmark" places and then the return journey home via Talgarth, Crickhowell and home in time for tea!  The weather held until we were safely home, then within sight of home we could see the gathering clouds and we were barely indoors before it was throwing it down.  A brilliant day!

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