Circular Car Park, Basildon Station

I found out yesterday that this quintessential piece of Basildon had been sold by auction for the sum of £725,000.  There was no disclosure as to who had purchased it or what they intended doing with it, but for that sort of money, in such a prime site, I bet it's not to be run as a car park.
More likely, the land will be bulldozed and used for flats.  That's what seems to happen with every available bit of land in the vicinity.
While I fully agree that it's better to be building housing on already developed land, rather than green field, it is a real shame that the place which I've visited/passed/parked in for over 36 years might be disappearing.
It's not pretty - it has no real architectural value, save the millions of bricks, but it is just so 60s New Town.

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