One of those days

The plan was to go for a walk.

I'll just grab some items from the loft I thought. I was putting the ladder back up, it's a heavy wooden thing that folds up in thirds. I checked it was secure and turned my back on the blighter very briefly and what happens? The ladder unfolds itself and crashed onto my head. It rather hurt and when I instinctively put my hands to the back of my head all I could feel was wet stuff.

My palm was covered in blood and I panicked a bit. I started to feel a bit funny and was shouting 'call an ambulance'. The ambulance was at a house in our village at the time (what luck is that?) so arrived within about10 minutes.

When the guys arrived they were amazing. They had to check I hadn't broken my neck as I was on the floor by then and they checked my eye tracking. They managed to check my blood pressure through my fleece which was amazing as I couldn't take it off as I had to stay still. I was really apologetic as I began to realise it wasn't life and death but they said it was a very appropriate call which made me feel a bit better.

At the time I really thought I had had my chips as there was so much blood and I thought I was going to lose consciousness. In the panic it was fascinating, in hindsight, to know what was running through my head as I lay there expecting to pass out. I was determined to try and talk to my parents on the phone whilst all this was going on. How strange is that?

The ambulance guys were great and kept me chatting and wouldn't let me close my eyes. I'm so grateful to the NHS and the paramedics they must see some awful sights and yet under huge pressures they keep really positive. As they left me they had a callout to an RTA. I feel lucky as it could have been much worse and I'm glad I wasn't in the house on my own.

I had to go to the hospital to get my head glued but in the end they decided to staple it. The nurse was practicing using the stapler (under supervision and direction) and it was ok, a bit like the feeling when you get your ears pierced. One staple really hurt though and I said a naughty word. The nurse said afterward she was sorry if she hurt me, I said I was sorry for swearing :-/

I've been given some disposable pliers and need to get a practice nurse to take the staples out in a week or so time.

What do they say about life happens when you make plans?

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