
By Ilaria

My first ever proper photoshoot!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!

OK....I'm sitting here grinning like a cheshire cat......that pretty much sums up my day, and first real photoshoot!!!! My lovely colleague S asked me many months ago for a photoshoot for her and her daughter....and I declined!!! I was too nervous and shy, and didn't feel I had the ability. She was wanting photos to actually frame....somehow that terrified me in case I screwed it up!!! Then, as months progressed, and my confidence grew....I thought I'd give it a try!!! So today was the big day...for me to get a grip, forget my nerves...and have a go!!!

IT WAS FANTASTIC!!!!!!! :-))))

Don't get me wrong...I was nervous....and after a bit studying...realise there was a mountain about my camera that I didn't know!! Ughhh!! It was cloudy and pretty awful light....but a whole new learning curve started today....and I utterly LOVED it!!!!!! :-)))) It really was a day of...."what on earth am I doing", combined with the excitement of just trying all sorts of ideas!!! I felt such an amateur, as I avoid people shots all the time!! NO MORE!!! Hee hee!!

This shot is S's beautiful daughter D. She is very of these people you could shoot all day....and so unconciously beautiful!! Thankyou D!!!! You're a star!!! :-))))
S on the other hand is just as gorgeous, but hates having her photo taken....That was interesting!!! Lol!!!! But I think by the end even she was convinced she was as beautiful as D!!!! :-))))

I've put 10 other shots in my Blipfolio....and some are stunners!!! Others are just lovely, fun shots!! PLEASE feel free to look at them HERE!!!!!!!!

What a day!!! I'm hooked!!!! And S.....Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou....for a great day, and opportunity to get over myself,'ve helped really open a whole new path up!!!!!!! :-))))) xx

A happy bunny!!!!

PS...Any critique would be MORE than welcome!!! I need all the advice I can get!!!
And the shots are all B&W since this is what my friend was after!! :-)))

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