Think on.

Power on.
Autofocus on.
Scene mode: portrait.
Flash off.
Face detection, blink detection, smile detection...all on.
Image stabilisation - on.
EV....- 1/2 stop
ISO?.... auto I think..
Hmm...jpeg and raw will be fine

What a faff! Ah sod it, I'll use my phone. They had it easy in the old days.
House clearing. The deeper we go the older stuff gets. Some fascinating material (and big spiders!).

This is a digital photograph of a contact print from a glass half plate negative on what looks to me like modern photographic paper  (real photographic paper - the stuff you dunked in chemicals, not the paper where you just click 'print'. The quality of the contact print is absolutely stunning, the hand held digital snap in no way conveys the detail in the original.

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