
Last night, I had one of those extraordinary catch up sleeps that was well overdue and feel like a different person today.  Still, I meandered today.  My calf played up a little yesterday on the way back from our walk so I took it really gently. Had a physio session already booked for today so went for my leg instead of the planned shoulders which have been doing remarkably well recently.  He still doesn't think there's too much to worry about so I'm still going to cycle but take it easier for the next few weeks - remind me if I forget ;) with another calf exercise to hit a different spot.  

I have the quite exciting delivery of a mini-polarising filter for my compact camera which has had an outing today and seemed successful.  But, on the way back home, two birds flew into a tree that I haven't spotted outside of our back garden (and that was a year ago.)  So today, it's a siskin not the amazing blue sky.  Her other half had an orange ring which I've reported to the BTO too.

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