An Educated Micro Pussy


This isn't going to work

Hello Bipeds!

As happens to so many fellow felines, I have been abandoned.

My biped uped and went and left me. She's gone to Australia of all places.

And what do I get?

Left here in the south east corner of Essex with 'him'.

He's untidy, he unorganized, he pretends that he can play the guitar, and he doesn't even put me in the microwave.

So I've decided. If 'she' can have an adventure for a year, so can I.

I've been watching 'him' and he uses this 'blipfoto' website to keep a photo blog. Anything 'he' can do, I can do better!

So first things first. I need a computer to 'blip' my story. 'He' has this old decrepit thing which might work.

Being the educated sort of micropussy that I am, I read a book on compurrrters and I can say with a relatively high degree of confidence, that this bit:

Should not look like this.

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