Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

Take that you utter bounder.......

.......y'know I really wish I could employ this nifty tactic on telephone scammers, I had no less than 3 of them this morning, all phoning from a network/number that couldn't be identified/reported.....still, I managed to successfully waste quite a bit of THEIR time whilst I drank some coffee. One of them even fell for the "oh, I'm sorry, there's someone at the door, can you hang on for a minute" trick......for about 6 before they hung up ;-) 

Blip is from 'The Universal Book of Hobbies and Handicrafts', Oldhams Press Ltd, early 30' originally belonged to an S Taylor (on the 15th October 1936 according to the inside of the front cover) AND me since I bought it at a Scouts Jumble Sale for 10p about half a century later......I found it in a box (while I was supposed to be answering the door, see above) in what once was the dining room but now acts as a bulk storage facility for life's detritus....... 

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