Rough water

The rain came yesterday in large quantities, and there has been serious flooding in some places. It appeared to have rained all night, and the internet was nonfunctional this morning at the apartment. Fortunately, I have a sim card in my iPad and could download the Guardian crossword for breakfast. As usual I finished it later in the day. Rufus from the Monday Guardian (done by me on Tuesdays) is usually the only one I can finish with breakfast.

Despite forecasted heavy rain all day, by mid afternoon the rain had paused (at least), although the winds remained strong. I went out for a short walk to the edge of Lake Pupuke, and was able to record this black swan sailing head down into the wind on a lake which was producing significant waves.

I like how this job mixes high complexity with serious decision making, and enough time to do it properly. Only one more day and then one week before I finish.

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