Killing Two Birds with One Stone

I missed world book day last Thursday, but it is never too late, and since today is International Women's Day, I am killing two birds with the one stone.
These books, all by eminent women, are at the side of my bed, having just been read or in the process of being read.

There was not much time for reading today as I spent too long washing bedding and defrosting the freezer. I hate doing the latter for no particular reason other than having to crawl about the kitchen floor mopping up loose water as I tease great slabs of ice from their ferocious grip on the freezer elements. Still, it is is gratifying when all is done to have the drawers close without the sound of plastic grating on overly thick frost.

His Lordship has escaped to the hills today to find his inner soul but had an early appointment with the dentist for a filling, not a white one but a cheap £67 silver one. He had to make another appointment to have a further two teeth crowned for £450 each. It is turning into a very expensive week for the inmates of the Dower House.
Although there are no pockets in a shroud, it would be nice to leave something to the children other than crowned teeth, and not even gold ones at that.

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