
Back from her overnight stay at the vet, looking a little dusty, acting more than a little crazy, staring out of the windows then restlessly and relentlessly wandering to her favourite corners looking for the one that 'feels right', yet nowhere is dark enough or warm enough or private enough, and so she keeps on searching - fiercely independent as always, refusing to be helped jump up or climb down, and then, just when I wasn't looking, she's gone.  Out through the cat flap and off down four flights of fire escape steps to explore her beloved garden, sending me in to paroxysms of worry for an hour, until, as suddenly as she left, she is back and I see her sitting outside the window, wondering whether or not to come inside.  I remove the option of choice and bring her in, she lets me know she could have done it without my help, and then chooses to sit in the dark recesses of her favourite walk-in cupboard. Half an hour passes before she emerges and now heads straight for a favourite window ledge where she lays down, curls up, and I realise she is, at last, asleep;  but it doesn't last long before once more she is prowling.  At somewhere between 15 and 18 years of age, (she was already a mature adult when abandoned by others, she adopted me in 2004), this stubborn, Little Miss Independent, is clearly unsettled and uncomfortable, but at least she's home.  Elizabeth has expressed considerable concern, inspecting Caroline's box and trail, and watching her while sitting with me.  We are all uncomfortable, waiting for what the morrow may bring. 

Thank you to everyone who commented here or on Facebook yesterday, after my post.  Caroline appreciates your kindness, as do I.  It was my intention to celebrate International Womens' Day on blip today. I had intended to go to the cinema to see "Hidden Figures" . I was going to post pictures of the various costumed students replicating their favourite 'influential woman' at school - but Caroline took precedence in my thoughts and therefore, my journal. I am however, including an extra pic, a quick phone snap of two Frida Kahlo's. On any other day they would have been my main photo. On this day they are wonderful.  

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