
Another day, another trip to the park, more new friends.

This time CyclopsJnr tried to join in with three big kids on scooters and they ignored him for a good five minutes but her persisted and followed them along to the skate park.  Eventually they relented and started to include him.  They played tig, sharks and parkour and became firm friends. At one point the four of them were lying in a row against the skate ramp looking at the sky.  One pointed out the moon and CyclopsJnr chipped in "I've got a moon at home on my wall."  They thought he was adorable, and one said "never grow up, you're too cute".  

I thought I'd never tear him away and was getting anxious about my exit plan.  The skate park is only 50m from our house as the crow flies, but you have to walk round for about ten minutes to get back on foot and this route winds past the skate park on two sides - so not ideally if I'd be carrying a screaming toddler that didn't want to leave, and his bike!  Luckily about 6.15pm he wandered off of his own accord.  Phew.

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