Strange lunch

After making the physio appointment in a panic in case I wouldn't be able to ski, my knee righted itself with a less active day yesterday. I went anyway to be told my gluts were needing attention as was my core. So I got a set of exercises to do. Apparently no matter how much gym and walking one does, the muscles deteriorate in the aging process. Gutted - I thought I was quite fit. Apparently I have as soggy a bottom as Mary Berry's cake contestants.

I went straight from that to our literature class annual pooled lunch. There had been a mix-up with the date so only 5 of us were there. Sometimes the lunches work well and sometimes less so. Today it consisted of my anchovy eggs, Moyra's cheese straws and assorted biscuits and this wonderful cake Lynda made although she never eats any. I prefer savoury myself, but it was lovely, especially if you like really sweet things.

Now I'm off to pack. Ski ski whoosh whoosh - I hope!

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