
By Beewriter

TVtastic Day

What a tip top Tipping Point day it has been. I was up at the crack of dawn getting ready and then I caught the bus into town. Tickets were collected, the right platform located and then I the settled on the train before the nerves had time to kick in.

I was met at Euston by the delightful Black Tulip who guided me onto the right tube to South Wimbledon. It was a relief to have one of my lovely blip family members to meet up with as I am ridiculously panicky on the underground. We travelled together for part of the way before she left for her blipmeet in town. BT....we need to organise a day when we have much longer to chat.....thank you for all your help today it was very much appreciated x

I followed the directions to the studio and met up with the three other contestants. What a lovely bunch they were. The crew at the studio were fabulous too. Everyone was upbeat and positive, giving lots of help and advice. We all had taken ours bags full of clothes and I had my fingers crossed that I could wear my lovely new red dress. The clothes were whisked away for a screen test and the dress got the thumbs

We were taken down to make up where the suitcases under my eyes were nicely concealed....phew...and then we were given a rather delicious lunch. After a brief it was time to get changed, get miked up, have a make up retouch and lipstick added then before we knew it we were on the set and meeting Ben Shepherd. He was lovely with us all and we all relaxed.....well, slightly. Mikes were tested, buzzers tried, voices checked and then......we were off!

I'm not allowed to reveal the outcome. The programme could be a while before it is aired, but I will get two weeks notice so I will let people know when it is on.

What a fabulous day, it was such a great experience....I have an interview next week and I shall definitely be wearing that red dress again!!!!!

Now I can enjoy the weekend with the lovely LadyG :)

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