A 2 Cake Birthday Celebration

We had a bit of a knees up for Dad at lunchtime today. Family and friends gathered over a light lunch to celebrate Dad reaching 90 years.

It didn't rain, it was as humid as you could possibly imagine, 4 generations were in one room, Dad spoke with gratitude about his 90 years, and we had a good time.

Special mention must be made of Dad's 2 birthday cakes. My niece Janna made these. The one on the right is a work of art. She created a garden shed, vege garden, stepping stones, gardening implements, and veges. On the side of the cake are leaves with all the male names of the family, and the butterfly shapes have all the females. All Mum and Dad's family represented on the cake. Dad is cutting the second cake, a simpler version easier to cut today. Janna has my Mum's artistic and baking ability. She reckons she probably spent 20 hours on the cakes. What a balancing act with 2 small kids and a busy husband. What an amazing act of love.

After a sleep and present opening session it's time now for me to make a light dinner for Dad and I. Then I might just have a wee dram of single malt to continue my celebrations as I watch a bit of telly with Dad.

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