Collecting water

I heard about the Uk Museum of Water on the radio a few weeks ago. The curator brought some of the collection to the Perth International Arts Festival, and my imagination was set alight!

We are having a series of talks and studies this Lent, lead by 4 four people from 2 different parishes - one Anglican and one Uniting. I have encouraged them to try something that might just bring one person closer to God. Last week was a thought provoking study on social justice and this week my theme is water, water everywhere.

I asked for samples of water and they have been pouring in. (Sorry, I couldn't resist the pun). River water, Ganges water, dam water, fish tank water, baptismal water, water from Scotland ( with added citric acid and girders), more than I can list.
This was Miss C's friend collecting a sample from the Bass Strait - next stop, the Antartic.
Here's the link if you want to know more about the museum.

More tomorrow.

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